To provide adequate Leadership through advocacy for the betterment and the interest of all.
To pursue the standing of peace, love and unity amongst all Liberians.
To provide a bilateral relationship between the government of Liberia and the Rwandan
government through their foreign ministries in the interest of the Liberian community in Rwanda.
To create an enabling environment and opportunity for all Liberians residing in Rwanda.
To nurture the future by empowering young people through scholarship/financial aid and make a
multiples bench vise to develop Liberia and Africa with their outside experience in new
We envision a united community where every member is afforded the opportunity to participate in its growth and development as well as benefits the share resources of the community
We, the Liberian community in Rwanda, considering the dire need to promote the welfare, unity, social and economic interest of all Liberians residing in Rwanda; considering the need to frame a constitution that could serve as a medium of coordination and cooperation of activities among Liberians residing in Rwanda; Cognizant of the fact that we must be governed by tenets which are befitting of human existence. Having resolved to promote unity, transparency, educational growth, welfare among Liberians residing in Rwanda, as well as addressing the ills with in our community; In view of the above mentioned, hence, we, do ordain, establish, proclaim and publish this constitution for the smooth governance of this organization.
This constitution shall be the fundamental rules and regulations, and its provisions shall have binding force and effect on all authorities and persons throughout the organization. However, this constitution shall not in any way contravene the constitution and local laws of the Republic of Rwanda.
The Organization shall be created and named “THE LIBERIAN COMMUNITY IN RWANDA,” herein referred to as “The community.”
The aims and objectives of the community shall be:
Membership of the community shall be opened to all Liberians residing within the territorial space of Rwanda void of discrimination based on; creed, religion, color, political affiliation, or age. However, the by-laws shall determine modalities for membership requirements.
Membership may be revoked or suspended if a member violates a provision or section within the constitution. The bylaws shall determine modalities for suspension and expulsion of membership
The bylaws shall determine modalities for the reinstatement of a suspended or expelled membership.
The leadership of the community shall consist of three distinct but coordinating organs. They include, Advisory Board (AB), The National Administrative Council (NAC), and The National Executive Committee (NEC).
The National Administrative Council shall consist of the following officers in order of hierarchy:
The National Executive Committee shall consist of all officers of the NAC and heads of each chapter. The chairperson of the NAC shall as well chair all meetings of the NEC while the general secretary shall be its recording officer. The bylaws shall determine modalities for chapter membership.
The board shall be compose of five (5) members and shall include:
The chairman in consultation with the executive committee shall appoint other standing and adhoc committees and individuals as necessary for the running of the community. The standing committees shall include:
The three organs of the leadership shall work in close consultation for the growth of the community as follows:
The by-laws shall determine additional functions of these organs consistent with this constitution.
The Chairman shall be a Liberian of good moral standing, must have lived in Rwanda for not less than two years and must have a valid residence Visas/ permit, must have good financial records in the community. Furthermore, he/she must be not less than 26 years.
The Vice-Chairman for administrative affairs shall be a Liberian of good moral standing, must have lived in Rwanda for not less than one year and must have a valid residence Visas/ permit, must have good financial records in the community. Furthermore, he/she must be not less than 23 years.
The Vice-Chairman for international affairs shall be of a Liberian of good moral standing, must have lived in Rwanda for not less than one year and must have a valid residence Visas/ permit, must have good financial records in the community. Furthermore, he/she must be not less than 23 years.
The General Secretary shall be a Liberian of good moral standing, must have lived in Rwanda for not less than one year and must have a valid residence Visas/ permit, must have good financial records in the community. Furthermore, he/she must be not less than 23 years. He/she must have good communication skills, office management, and must possess English knowledge.
The assistant secretary shall be a Liberian of good moral standing, must have lived in Rwanda for not less than six months and must have a valid residence Visas/ permit, must have good financial records in the community. Furthermore, he/she must be not less than 23 years. He/she must have good communication skills, office management, and must possess English knowledge.
The financial secretary shall be a Liberian with a financial background, must have lived in Rwanda for not less than one year and must have a valid residence Visas/ permit, must have good financial records in the community. Furthermore, he/she must be not less than 23 years.
The Treasure shall be a Liberian who have knowledge in bookkeeping and saving, and must be of
good moral standing, must have lived in Rwanda for not less than one year and must have a valid
residence Visas/ permit, must have good financial records in the community. Furthermore, he/she
must be not less than 23 years.
The bylaws and competent authority shall determine additional qualifications and functions of
these officers consistent with this constitution.
The tenure for each elected officer shall be one full year from July to June no officer shall contest more than two (2) terms.
Any officer of the leadership may resign when they feel unprepared to serve their post, due to lack of coordination from the leadership, lack of transparency and accountability. Resignation shall be put into writing to the secretary of the administrative council through a recognized means of communication adopted by the community and at least two weeks to the date of effect.
Officers may be removed from office on grounds of violation of this constitution and the bylaws. The application for removal shall be made to the grievance and ethic committee which shall conduct an investigation and recommend to the competent authority a final decision to be made. A procedure for filing an application, the conduct of investigation and the competent authority to make a decision shall be determined by the bylaws
The community shall conduct meeting such as:
Freedom of expression is recognized and guaranteed by States. Freedom of expression shall not prejudice public order, good morals, and the right of every member to honor, dignity, protection and of personal and family privacy. Conditions for exercising and respect for these freedoms are determined by law.
Suffrage is universal and equal for all members of the community. All members, both men and women, fulfilling the requirements provided for by law, have the right to vote and to be elected. Suffrage is direct or indirect and secret, unless this Constitution or any other law provides otherwise. The Bylaws and competent authority will determine conditions and modalities for conducting elections.
The right to freedom of association and Disassociation are guaranteed and does not require prior authorization. This right is exercised under conditions determined by law.
Every member of the Liberian community has the right to participate in the governance process of the community, either directly or through their freely chosen representatives, in accordance with the law
Freedom of access to information are recognized and guaranteed by States. Freedom of access to information shall not prejudice public order, good morals, and the right of every member to honor and dignity and protection of personal and family privacy. Conditions for exercising and respect for these freedoms are determined by law.
Every member has the right to public trail without unnecessary delay, the right to legal representation, right to impartial jury, and the right to know your accusers and what you are being accused of. And a right to fair and public hearing if you are charge with criminal offence and have to go to court, or authority is making a decision that has impact upon your civil rights or obligations.
In exercising rights and freedoms, everyone is subject only to limitations provided for by the law aimed at ensuring recognition and respect of other people’s rights and freedoms, as well as public morals, public order and social welfare which generally characterize a democratic society.
The Board shall be the superior guardian of rights. This duty is exercised in accordance with this Constitution and Bylaws and shall not in any way violate the laws of the republic of Rwanda.
All members of the community shall at all times show mutual respect for one another and leaders of the community.
All members of the community are obliged to attend planned activities of the community.
Members of the Community are obliged to exercise their rights in a way such that they do not infringe another member’s right.
Offences shall be categorized as Petty offence and serious offence as follows:
The elections of the leadership of the community shall be held within a period of at least one month and not more than two months before the end of the term of the incumbent leadership. The bylaws and competent authority shall determine the procedure for elections consistent with this constitution.
All elected or appointed officials shall subscribe to a solemn oath of office as follows: I _______________________________, do solemnly promise that I will support, uphold, protect and defend the constitution and by Laws of the Liberian Community in Rwanda, and the constitution of the Republic of Rwanda, bear true faith and allegiance to the organization, and will faithfully, conscientiously, impartially and without fear or favor discharge the duties and functions of the office of __________________ to the best of my ability. So help me God.
Any member of the community wishing to contest a particular position shall be registered as an independent candidate except for the Chairman and the vice chairman for administrative affairs and vice chairman for international affairs who shall contest as a single team.
Unless otherwise determined by law, the Elections of the union shall be conducted by secret ballot. To the extent of resources and sophisticated technology available, the election may be conducted online or in-person.
In case of vacancy for the position of chairman, the Vice chairs shall assume the chairmanship by ascendency. Regarding other officers, the executive committee shall vote to fill such vacancy without prejudice to the constitutional requirement for such post.
The Constitution is the supreme law of the community. Any law, decision or act contrary to this Constitution and/ or the laws of Rwanda is null and void and without effect. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
To be valid, the constitution must be signed by at least the Community’s chairman and the Board chairman in the presence of a majority member of the National Executive committee.
Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph one above, and for the purpose of conducting the community’s first election, this constitution shall be valid by an approval of a constitution Review committee constituted by the acting leadership of the community. The provisions of section one of this article shall take full effect as of the date of the first National Executive Committee meeting of the first elected leadership of the community.
Amendments to this constitution must be submitted in writing to the National Executive Committee at least one month prior to the annual meeting of the Community as the need arises. Said amendment(s) will be voted on at the annual meeting. In order to adopt the amendment, a vote of 2/3 of the general membership is required.
Amended constitution shall be ratified by competent authority within 10 days after the meeting where it was amended.
Amended constitution shall become effective and binding upon all members of the community.